BookBrowse Earn Money by Writing Book Reviews

BookBrowse: Earn Money by Writing Book Reviews


BookBrowse is a platform that offers a curated selection of top contemporary fiction and nonfiction books, making it a valuable resource for readers seeking recommendations. The site also provides an opportunity for avid readers to earn money by writing book reviews. However, becoming a reviewer and earning from it requires understanding the process, meeting certain criteria, and being prepared for the responsibilities involved. This introduction will explore what it takes to become a BookBrowse reviewer, how the payment system works, and whether this opportunity is right for you.

What is BookBrowse?

BookBrowse is a website that offers a carefully curated selection of the finest contemporary fiction and nonfiction books. Most people visit websites to find out which book is good and want to know if the book they are planning to read is good.

You must write book reviews to earn from it. And yes, it’s legit because you get paid to write book reviews. However, that doesn’t mean it’s worth it. To understand whether you should go for this opportunity, you first need to understand how it works.

BookBrowse:Earning Money by Writing Book Reviews

Make money by writing book reviews at BookBrowse

As a book reviewer for BookBrowse, you’ll be expected to review one book each month. Usually, they’ll email you an invitation to review, and if you decide to accept, they’ll mail you the book (if you’re in the US).

If you are outside the US, only book review requests that have an e-book version will be sent to you, which is very rare. After you get the book, of course, you must finish reading it before you can write a review.

BookBrowse:Earning Money by Writing Book Reviews

After you finish reading the book, you must write a 1,000-word review. In addition, you must write a “bind the book article” with the review. This article will show a specific information, setting, theme, etc. of the book that enables their readers to learn something new while reading.

This article does not have a specific word count that you must adhere to. As long as it follows the instructions, you are set. After you submit your work, BookBrowse will review it, and if everything goes well, they’ll publish the review on their website and send you payment.

Another important thing you must remember is that you have to submit the deliverables before the deadline. If you fail to do so, you will not be paid. And if you fail to meet the deadline, the site will stop asking you to review books.

How do you get paid From BookBrowse?

For each review you submit, you’ll earn a certain amount, and BookBrowse will send it to you within a few business days. There isn’t much information about the payment system the site uses, so I can’t tell you exactly which payment methods it offers.

All I know is that they pay a decent amount per review (more on that in the next section) and you don’t have to reach a threshold to get your earnings. Now, based on my experience, these types of sites will usually use a convenient payment method like PayPal or direct bank transfer to pay their writers. So, you can expect to get your earnings conveniently.

How to join Bookbrowse?

BookBrowse usually only accepts reviewers who live in the US, but they sometimes offer discounts. This happens when they see that you are a great writer. However, as mentioned earlier, assignments will be less as you will only get to review books with a digital copy, which is very rare.

Earning from BookBrowse, in my opinion, is the easy part. It is getting accepted as a reviewer that is difficult. As you can see in the photo above, when you apply as a reviewer, you will be asked to submit a sample review. It should be at least 300 words long.

BookBrowse:Earning Money by Writing Book Reviews

Apart from that, if you have a website that can prove the quality of your writing skills, you must also link to it. You also have the option of providing a second sample review, which I recommend to increase your chances of being accepted.

After you submit your application, BookBrowse will review it, and if they think you’re a good enough reviewer, you’ll get a confirmation email from them. The only problem is they don’t tell you how long it will take to get back from them.

They just say they get a lot of applications, so it may take a few days to weeks to hear back from them. This is why if you are looking for a way to earn money immediately, this is not a good option.

If you are accepted, you will go through the onboarding process where all the details of working as a reviewer will be discussed. After completing that phase, you’ll need to wait for an assignment to start earning from BookBrowse.


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