FruitLab - Make Money by playing & watching Games with 3 More Easy Task
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FruitLab – Make Money by playing & watching Games with 3 More Easy Task


If you love playing video games and you are looking to earn extra money, or if you are a gamer or a game streamer, then there’s a site called FruitLab that has the potential to help you make more rewards. It claims you can make it by watching or uploading game clips.

What is FruitLab?

FruitLab is a GPT site that will pay you for participating in the earning options it suggests. It also doubles as a community for gamers to interact with one another.

It is a legit site since it will reward you when you participate in the earning opportunities it offers.

How to join FruitLab?

As for their registration process, it is pretty simple. You have to give your personal information, as well as your email address and password.

How to join FruitLab?

Once you’ve accomplished that, FruitLab will send an email with a verification link. Just click the link to finish the registration process.

How to make money from FruitLab?

Here’s how to make money from FruitLab.

1. Make money by watching game clips From FruitLab.

One way to earn from FruitLab is by watching game clips. These game clips are from other members of the site.

1. Make money by watching game clips From FruitLab.

To view game clips, log in to the site and click the “Videos” option in the menu. Each video will play an ad in the beginning.

Watch videos at least 30 seconds long, but they are at most 5 minutes. So you don’t have to watch much one video. Once you’ve finished watching a video, you will receive 200 XP points, which will appear in the dashboard’s upper right-hand corner.

This opportunity is effortless to do, plus you can find lots of entertaining videos as well.

2. Make money by uploading game clips From FruitLab.

Another way to reword is to upload game clips. The game clips you have to upload should all be original videos that should come from you.

2. Make money by Uploading game clips From FruitLab.

The video you will upload will display in the section where members can watch videos to make XP points. Take note that the clip must be at least 30 seconds long, and it should follow all the policies for uploading videos provided by FruitLab.

That means the video should contain no nudity or other inappropriate content. You also have to use a specific encoding (H.264). Otherwise, FruitLab will not accept it. The video file size should be a lowest of 1 MB and a highest of 3 GB.

When you upload it, FruitLab will first have to review the video to see if it passes their standard and hasn’t broken any rules. Once approved, as mentioned above, it will show up in the videos section so that other members can watch it.

When members watch your videos, you will earn what is called PIPS. The more people watch your videos, the more PIPS you will make.

However, you will only get half of the PIPS you’ve reached. The other half will proceed to the PIP pot.

3. Make money by Playing their arcade games From FruitLab.

There are two ways you can make money from playing arcade games. The first one is playing these games for free. The other is a player-versus-player mode where there is a possibility involved.

3. Make money by Playing their arcade games From FruitLab.

All you have to do in the free-to-play option is play the arcade game. You will receive a certain number of XP points. Plus, you will receive extra XP points if you are among the game’s top scorers for the day.

If you get the #1 spot for any of their games, you will receive an additional 1,000 XP points, 2nd place is 900 XP points, 3rd place is 800, 4th is 700, and 5th is 600 XP points.

Now, if you are very competitive, you can play against a player who has issued a challenge for a specific arcade game. It will help if you bet PIPS to take on the challenge in this mode.

Whoever gets the higher score will win the bet. It’s that simple. This is the fastest way to earn PIPS and the quickest way to lose everything you’ve achieved. So, you have to be careful when taking on a challenge.

4. Make money through User giveaways From FruitLab.

You can join the competitions with other members of the site storage. From time to time, other components will hold giveaways where you can win tons of PIPS.

To view all the currently held giveaways, click the “What’s ON” option on the menu. You will then see something similar to the photo above. Each giveaway will have a particular set of rules you have to follow.

Why do other members do this when it appears like the destruction of PIPS? Hosting giveaways can be an excellent way to raise your audience. And if your audience grows, you will naturally make more PIPS since more people will watch your videos.

It’s a give-and-take situation where other members can win significant prizes, and you can grow your audience so you can earn more. It’s an ingenious way of improving your earnings.

5. Make money with a Daily login bonus From FruitLab.

Lastly, you can earn bonus rewards by logging in to the site. And the longer you keep the streak of logging in daily, the more tips you offer.

5. Make money with a Daily login bonus From FruitLab.

You must collect your daily login bonus the first time you log in to the site. Do this on their website and mobile app, though. So again, log in to their site and app to claim the total daily login bonus daily.

How do you get paid From FruitLab?

If you upload your game clips, you will automatically earn a certain number of PIPS, the currency you can use to exchange for various rewards.

So, let me define how their XP points method operates. Whenever a member watches an ad before a game clip, a part of the PIPS rendered by the view will be added to the Pip Pot.

The more XP points you make, the more PIPS you will get. Your ranking will also be determined by the XP points you’ve made, so those two go hand in hand. As for your location, it’s something you have no control over, and unfortunately, they need to provide a breakdown of how this factor affects your earnings.

For your ranking, you must reach the level of Lieutenant to receive 100% of the PIPS you are considered to get from the pot. If your class falls below the Lieutenant rank, you won’t receive the total number of PIPS assigned to you. That’s how their ranking system works. So, every week, you must strive to reach the rank of Lieutenant.

Now, what can you do with the PIPS you’ve made? Well, you can swap it for various rewards. You can redeem multiple gift cards for Amazon, Xbox Store, PlayStation Store, and more. The little gift card you can save is $5, worth 50,000 PIPS.

You can also redeem game keys for your favorite games. They offer popular games today, like Destiny 2, Monster Hunter World, Doom Eternal, and more. Their game keys cost a bit more.


  1. Is FruitLab legit?

    FruitLab is a legit GPT site that will pay you for watching and uploading game video clips.

  2. Who can join FruitLab?

    FruitLab is available globally. So, you can sign up as a member, regardless of where you live.

  3. Can you use it on mobile?

    FruitLab has an app you can download so you can conveniently watch game clips from your mobile device.

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